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Wednesday, 16 July 2008

I am a big boy ... (or at least, trying to be)

Mama's been away for the past few days. (Irfan and Ayah miss you, Mama!!*muacks*)
But she'll be back tomorrow!!!Woohoo!!

Anyway, since Mama's been away, Ayah thought that this would be the best time to , quote:"train' me.
I hate to admit it, but I have still been waking up in the middle of night asking for "nen nen" (that's "milk" for those unfamiliar to irfan-speak).
I can't help it.

Ayah's been pestering Mama to start weaning me off this need for the longest time, but to be honest, I haven't been the most cooperative.
Not that they haven't tried, but after a couple of minutes of my incessant wailing, Mama (my most-lovely-best-in-the-world Mama whose love for me is deeper than the deepest ocean) will relent and give me my nen nen anyways. :)

So, back to the story, I've spent the last 3 nights with Ayah.
And I THINK I AM getting better! :)
On the first night, I woke up twice but Ayah managed to put me back to sleep by giving me some water instead of nen nen.
I did better on the second night, when I slept through from 10 to 5 a.m. According to Ayah, I did wake up twice, but I fell back asleep all on my own seconds after. Double Woohoo!!
And last night, I slept from 10 to 6 a.m.!!!!
Haha. Mama, you'll be so proud of me. :)
Irfan is a big boy now! (or at least, on the way to be one. :) )

On a side note, Ayah and I played a snoring game last night which got both of us cracking up.
Basically, Ayah has this particular trick (which is not exactly a trick because it doesn't work. And you can't really call it a trick if it doesn't work, can you?), where he tries to trick me into thinking that he is sleeping by faking a snore.
Anyway, I decided to catch him out on it by faking a snore too.
So, there we were ... on the bed ... trading snores ... and waiting to see who gets tricked by who.
Sounds fun, doesn't it?
It sure was!
Ayah started cracking up as soon as my third snore, and from then on, we were both snoring and laughing in turns.
Maybe Ayah and I will try the game with Mama when she comes back.
Mama, we miss you!!!