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Wednesday 29 July 2009

'tis cool

i'm 2 now...which means only got 3 years to go to catch up!
btw, Ayah said he had hair like that when he was my a child too..
will post up pics of that soonest...

Monday 30 March 2009

Safety isn't just a slogan, it's a way of life!!!

and here are samples of other safety slogans in case you need 'em (for god knows whatever purpose) (source:

Better to be safe than to be sorry!
Chance takers are accident makers.

Be alert! Accidents hurt.

A safer you is a safer me.

Unprepared = Unsafe.
Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac.
The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.

Remember - Safety is not a job; it is a way of life.

Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy

While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work

Safety doesn't slow the job down but mishaps do.

A spill, a slip, a hospital trip.

Your safety is everyone's responsibility, especially yours.

You can't get home, unless you're safe.

Ignoring a warning can cause much mourning.

The adage "look before you leap" is a lifesaver.

The safe way is the right way

When jogging, run against the traffic flow.

Wear the right protective equipment for the job.

Use the right tool for the job.

Just because you always did it that way, doesn't make it right.

Safety is something you learn from the start - Being accident free is doing your part.

Chance takers are accident makers.

Still water doesn't always run deep, look before you leap.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Trip to Jurong Bird Park

Ayah took Abang Shahrin and me to Jurong Bird Park today.
Tok and Nenek came along too.

I saw so many different kinds of birds!!
I didn't even know there were so many in the first place!
In any case, I was happy just to see my best buddy, Penguin's, family . :)

Here are some of the pictures we took...

Here's one of a flock of ducks and what I initially thought was it's Mama, but, was in actual fact a swan. A black swan, at that. How cool!

Abang Shahrin and me at the entrance of the penguin exhibit

Nenek, Abang Shahrin and me taking a breather on a swing chair

Abang Shahrin stuck to a pelican ... and me not really bothered that he is stuck to a pelican.

How many people do you need to push a Harrod's bag on a stroller?
Apparently 3. And Tok to watch over us in case anything happens .... to the bag, that is. heh.

Monday 1 December 2008

1st day at school ... The Prequel

A big day next Tuesday is going to be.
No, no. Not just big.MOMENTOUS, more like.
Right up there with the likes of "Irfan's first step", "Irfan's first words", "Irfan's first girlfriend" ... (ignore that last one. I'm getting a little ahead of myself there. heh.)

Next Tuesday ... will be my first day at school!
Yup! I'm officially (chopped, sealed & signed) going to be a BIG BOY now! Yessirree!
Mama and Ayah have been prepping me up for school for a couple of weeks now, telling me about all the fun things I'll get to do there, the wonderful friends I'll meet, and the lovely teachers that'll be taking care of me.
And I must say, after all that brain-washing, I am all psyched about school!

... except for one ... teeny-weeny .... problem ...

I think I'm going to miss Mama dearly .... :(

Friday 28 November 2008

Irfan and the stroller

!!GASP!! I have only got 3 more months to practise!!

Let's go, elmo!
I need to be ready to push adik/mei mei around come February!

Saturday 22 November 2008

Irfan does the Singapore Zoo

Ayah pointing the way to the elephant exhibit. He is hilarious, my Ayah. He chooses the most interesting of times to let me have my first driving lesson. I mean, how many toddlers have had their first driving lesson at the zoo? .... wait ... how many toddlers have had driving lessons at all??? AYAH!!

Anyhow, I am apparently a fast learner. This is me teaching Mama how to use the stick-shift.

We finally reached the elephant exhibit and they were HILARIOUS!! Could you tell from our expressions?

Here are some of the other animals that we saw at the zoo!

.... oh wait ... these are some of the animals that I DIDN'T get to see ...
i was just way too tired and fell asleep right after the elephant exhibit!

Oh well, there's always next time!
See you again, my furry animal friends!!

Saturday 8 November 2008

Minding one's P's and Q's

Mama and Ayah wishes for me to grow up to be a gentleman; open doors for people, give up seats to those who need it more, say my thank you and please etc ...

So, today's lesson is brought to you by the letter ... P!

p/s: My 17-mth-old tongue is still grappling with consonant clusters, so if you thought you heard me say "peace" instead of "please", you heard right. Pardon me, yeah? peace ... hurhur